Pre-Conference Seminar (Optional)
Adventure and Wilderness Travel
17 September 2024
All day seminar
Registration fee: US$ 200
The Seminar will have an emphasis on high altitude and also cover wider aspects of adventure travel including expeditions.
Registration fee includes coffee at breaks and lunch.
Register via the conference registration form.
08:30 Registration
Chairperson: Jenny Visser, New Zealand
08:50 Welcome
09:00 Expedition Medicine: The Pre-Travel Consultation and Pre-Trip Preparation
Steven Roy, Canada
09:45 Expedition Medicine: Some Reflections on being the Expedition Doctor
Jenny Visser, New Zealand
10:30 Coffee Break
11:00 High Altitude Medicine: Recent Advances and Update
Buddha Basnyat, Nepal
​11:45 Military Deployments: Areas of Vector Borne Diseases and other Endemic Infections- Prophylaxis, Vaccinations and other Preventive Measures
Kisen Jang, India​
12:15 Military Deployments in Extreme Environments. High Altitudes & Extremes of Climate
Jaskanwar Singh, India
12:45 Lunch Break
13:45 Children and Adventure Travel
Mike Starr, Australia
14:15 Women & Adventure Travel
Rashila Pradan, Nepal
14:45 Coffee Break
15:15 Challenges Facing Pilgrimage Travelers
Shreyasi Karki, Nepal
15:45 The Himalayan Rescue Association
Gobinda Bashyal , Nepal
16:15 The Mountain Medicine Society of Nepal/Diploma Mountain Medicine
Ghan Bahadur Thapa, Nepal
16:45 Discussion & Questions
17:00 Closing